Pleasure Of Hell
Book Details
About the Book
There has been many horror stories told, many horror stories written, and many horror movies made. But none has ever been or will ever be as horrible as the horror story, PLEASURE OF HELL. The most horriblest horror story ever written. Said to be too horrible for the human mind. A horror story from a soul for sure who had to visit hell to even write a story so horrible. Pleasure of Hell will remain in your conscious mind for many years to come. It will stalk and linger in your subconscious mind for eternity.
About the Author
Warren E. Henderson, was born and raised in North Philadelphia, by his mother Marguerite Henderson, his beloved God and strength who he dedicated all that’s pure and beautiful in this world to Warren also have seven unpublished manuscripts just waiting to enlighten his readers. Unfortunately, for nearly the past nineteen years he has been behind the prison walls. Anyone wishing to write to him about anything, you may feel free. He can be located in one of the state prison systems of Pennsylvania, for now, that is.