
by Kirsten Suberg



Book Details

Language : Multiple languages
Publication Date : 8/5/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 24
ISBN : 9781465340672
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 24
ISBN : 9781477161906

About the Book

Kirsten Suberg was born and raised in Northern Germany. She attended and graduated from the Freie Waldorf Schule Oldenburg. Spending a year in the United States, during high school, Kirsten deepened her love for foreign languages. As an adult she returned to the United States, and graduated from Sunbridge College with her Master’s in Education. Kirsten has been a German foreign language teacher, as well as a Waldorf class teacher.

About the Author

Authors Biography Kirsten Suberg was born and raised in Northern Germany. She attended and graduated from the Freie Waldorf Schule Oldenburg. Spending a year in the United States, during high school, Kirsten deepened her love for foreign languages. As an adult she returned to the United States, and graduated from Sunbridge College with her Master’s in Education. Kirsten has been a German foreign language teacher, as well as a Waldorf class teacher. Illustrators Biography Nancy Franco was born and raised in Long Island, New York. She lived in Canada for 25 years, and received her teacher training, before returning to the United States. She has been illustrating for children for 25 years.