Crusading Against Athens

by John M. Reed



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/6/2011

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 165
ISBN : 9781465336408
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 165
ISBN : 9781465336385
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 165
ISBN : 9781465336392

About the Book

“Crusading Against Athens” is a concise critique of the supposed inerrancy of the Bible. Written from an insider’s point of view, the ambition of this book is aimed at being an everyman’s guide, for a laymen’s understanding, of the fallacies inherent to Theism in general and of Christianity specifi cally. Inside this exposé you’ll learn: That the Bible actually supports the practice of abortion! The real etymological origins of the word ‘Sin’. Why Jesus couldn’t be the Messiah, according to the Bible’s very own criteria! Proof that the Bible is unequivocally man-made! Once you take a rational journey of discovery with “Crusading Against Athens”, you the reader will begin a skeptical odyssey that will both enlighten and liberate your mind to embrace natural commonsense.

About the Author

John M Reed is a Deist, who was formally a Southern Baptist fundamentalist Christian that once believed the Bible was inerrant. The author’s favorite pastimes include reading about history, physics, religion, and the paranormal. He met his future wife, Bonnie, while they were both in the Army, and they have one son also named John. The Reeds currently reside in Nevada.