Thirty-Two Selected Speeches And Lectures On National Governance, Confronting Apartheid and Foreign Policy

by Fatima Nduka-Eze



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/2/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 479
ISBN : 9781469194110
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 479
ISBN : 9781469194127
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 479
ISBN : 9781469194134

About the Book

Joe Garba’s Legacy Selected Speeches and Lectures On National Governance, Confronting Apartheid and Foreign Policy

Joseph Nanven Garba came to international attention in July 1975, as a member of Supreme Military Council in Nigeria’s new military government. Then a Colonel, the commander of the Brigade of Guards and a distinguished career officer, fate, which some call luck, thrust upon him the role of Commissioner (Minister) for External Affairs, after initially being slotted for the Transport portfolio. A diplomatic neophyte, Garba, who characterized himself as the “most undiplomatic soldier there was”, would learn the finer points and also the caprices of international diplomacy on the job. He did well, serving as Nigeria’s foreign minister, from 1975-1978 and consequently holding key diplomatic, academic and political positions - all which offered him the unfettered pulpit to speak assertively on national and international issues within his remit. When Garba spoke, people listened; for he was eloquent, had the personality and did not dodge heady issues. He had gone from an unknown quantity, whose appointment as Foreign Minister, had elicited from the Nigerian intelligentsia the terse reaction, “Garba Who?” to become a skillful and renowned diplomat and an assured voice of Nigeria. The thirty-two speeches and lectures in this volume represent just a fraction of the many he delivered. They are presented in remembrance and as a befitting legacy on the tenth anniversary of his passing.

About the Author

About The Authors Fatima Nduka-Eze is an Attorney and Joe Garba’s daughter. Oseloka Obaze, an international civil servant and political analyst was Joe Garba’s Special Assistant and Speech Writer from 1987-1990. He collaborated with Garba on the books, The Honour to Serve (1993) and Fractured History (1995) and was until Garba’s death in 2002, a close confidant and adviser. Captain Kamarudeen A. Olatunde, (Rtd) formerly of the Nigerian Army, was Joe Garba’s Aide-de-Camp from 1970 to 1981 and was until Garba’s death in 2002, a personal aide, close confidant and adviser.