A Montanan's Short Stories

by Harlan Frank Pollmann



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/15/2013

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 63
ISBN : 9781479740956
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 63
ISBN : 9781479740963
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 63
ISBN : 9781479740970

About the Book

This group of short stories are the stories that have taken place during the 80+ years of Harlan Frank Pollmann’s life. He is also the author of the autobiography of “Uncle Chub".
He has gathered 15 intriguing short stories of his life, that paints you pictures that you may have never seen before. He lets you see into his thoughts, listen to his heart, feel his love, laugh to get her and feel the tears trickledown your face. These are the main elements that he would like to share with you. He would like to have you find yourself in some of these situations.
Harlan thinks you owe it to yourself to give this book of short stories a try, you'll be glad you did.

About the Author

About The Author
Harlan Frank Pollmann, known by most people as Chub Pollmann, is a native Montanan born in Harlowton Montana Feb, 22, 1932.
Chub loves fishing more than any one sport but puts hunting right in there as a real second and all other outdoor activities he includes as often as possible. He's a disabled Vet of the Korean War and has had to deal with all of the scars that were left for him to deal with as other Vets do. Graduated from the University of Montana in 1958 with a B. S. in Health and Physical Education, Biological Science with a minor in Education. Has been involved with many professions throughout his 80+ years.
Chub has a great zest for life and enjoys sharing amusing stories of his life, always keeping things on the lighter side; he has a great sense of humor. One of his friends, declared" You talk so much your tongue must be sunburned", Chub replied, not sunburned just suntanned."!
Chub is an extremely happy man, living in the Mission Valley in Northwestern Montana, with the love of his life and the strength of his soul, Donna Merola, who is an excellent Professional Artist. They couldn't be happier in their cozy little home to spend the rest of their lives' together.