Pingfan Wangshi Collection Volume I

by Yan Lou



Book Details

Language : Multiple languages
Publication Date : 6/12/2013

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 592
ISBN : 9781483643274
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 592
ISBN : 9781483643250
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 592
ISBN : 9781483643267

About the Book

Pingfan Wangshi Collection - Volume I is author’s second book followed by his first popular novel named Cost of Love. A number of outstanding works are selected into this book from his last six years’ works. The first section of this collection includes 4 novella, 3 short stories, and 13 micro-fictions. Three fictions, Wake up Desire, I Want to Divorce, and Shackles of Human Being, are considered to be the most influential pieces in all. Again, the author uses his powerful pen to depict struggling and pain that ordinary people face in their trapped marriages and relationships.

The most fun and impressive part is in the second section of this collection. More than 60 brilliant prose and essays are gathered, and are further categorized into 5 parts according to its contents. Starting with Part 1 - Childhood Expectation, the author reveals his childhood hardship during the China culture revolution. A serial of unexpected changes in his family caused by a political reason has contributed to his independent and strong personality at a very young age. As a result of this change, it made a great impact on his later on in life. In Part 2 - American Dream, the author shares his experience, as a father and the 1stgeneration immigrant, on how to handle a teenage son in United State. He makes a good point and comparison between two different cultures and education systems. Whereas, in Part 3 - The Trip to Home and Part 4 - Eat Drink Men and Women, he expresses his deep love and passion to his country, and manifests a multiple unique points of view on the relationship between men and women. The book is finally ended at the most interesting Part 5 - Monologue or also called Self Portrait. Here, the author often uses I to narrate things and people he has encountered from his childhood, youth, and up to the middle age of his most recent years. Overall, the second section summarizes his life time experience, which also reflects the real life of the generation who has gone through the same period of ups and downs, such as China culture revolution, reform and open door policies, and immigration waves to foreign countries.

His work is not just limited to novel, prose and essay. He is also identified as a very fine poet. About 108 his poems are featured in the third section. The first half portion of poems is present in modern poetry style. The second half portion of poems is written in Chinese ancient poetry style. A number of love poems are incorporated with prose elements, which he wrote for the characters in his fictions. The others are mostly dedicated to his country and friends as a way to express his personal feelings. His poems in styles and subjects demonstrate his diversified writing skill and solid literal foundation.

Author’s pen is known for catching the most tender and sensitive part of reader’s heart, and driving reader’s emotion. His work is widely accepted by Overseas Chinese. As a reader, you will see an image of yourself while you are enjoying Pingfan Wangshi Collection -Volume I.

About the Author

作者简介 娄岩,美籍华人。1982年毕业于辽宁大学数学系计算机软件专业。曾先后在机关和企业工作,高级工程师。1992年投身商海,创建沈阳柯达电子公司等4家企业,任总经理和董事长;美国DG电子公司东北办事处经理;1998年2月经加拿大专家逐级筛选,作为全国首批四人之一,以高级系统分析师的身份,赴加拿大参与解决当时困扰全球的计算机Y2K (计算机两千年虫)问题。后移民美国, 先在某电脑公司工作,后创建电脑城,任董事长至今。作者非常热心社会公益,并兼任美国东北华人协会会长,大芝加哥地区华人华侨联合会顾问,辽宁大学北美校友会副会长和国内某大学客座教授。 自2008年底起,作者以平凡往事为笔名,开始撰写个人博客,笔耕不辍,短短时间内迅速成为海外最大华人网站[文学城]和[倍可亲]中点击率最高(近3000万读者)、最受欢迎的博主之一和多产作家。作者阅历丰富,具有非凡的社会洞察力,并兼任《侨园》杂志北美分社负责人;《侨园》、《北美经济导报》、《世界经理人》等报刊杂志的专栏作家。其作品题材广泛,影响深远,文学造诣极高。已正式出版的长篇小说和文集有《教授女儿的婚事》、《平凡往事文集》卷一、卷二。其文集中包括《我要离婚》、《老马识途》、《人性的枷锁》、《醒来的欲望》、《枫叶飘飘》、《背叛》等多部脍炙人口、轰动整个海外文坛的小说,以及近三百篇随笔杂文和两百多首自由体和古体诗词,共一百多万字,在海外华人中具有非常高的知名度和影响力。