Angel Tears

by Lisa Young



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 1/2/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 130
ISBN : 9781401082277

About the Book

“Morality and compassion are lovers in every sense of the word, and their child is peace.” Angel Tears is a collection of poetry and short stories, composed to evoke strong emotions. This book was created to charge the spirit with a sense of purpose, to open the eyes of a society that is blind to the true enemy of humanity; fear. The poetry reflects a soul corrupted by vanity, and brought to it’s knees by ignorance. The short stories weave tales of angelic presence in a world focused on self. Sometimes divine inspiration stokes the fires of war, sometimes it inspires lyric, in the world of religion, angels do both.

Angels live in the pages of scripture, they take flight in almost every ancient culture, and they have survived the test of time. There is a reason they persist till the present day, they create a link between humanity and the “God”. Do angels really exist? The answer is, it doesn’t really matter, it is the message that counts. If an angel were to swoop down, and protect an innocent child from stray bullet, that would be awe inspiring. But if someone were to truly care, and teach morality and compassion to the one who held the gun, that would be miraculous.

Every emotion of the human condition is given equal attention in the pages of this book, and like a mirror, it reflects the beauty and the ugliness that is ever present in society. Nothing is hidden through the eyes of an angel, and nothing is sacred to the fallen. There is a definitive line between right and wrong, Angel Tears speaks for the vigilante in all of us, and the fallen angel who weeps for the price that vigilante pays for his convictions. After all, to do what is right with a vengeance may just be the first step toward the ultimate fall.

About the Author

Lisa is a dreamer, a poet, and a watcher, forever chasing the visions that clutter her imagination. She has been writing for as long as she can remember, and Angel Tears is her first book in print. She lives at the Jersey shore with her husband Shawn Schmidt and her family.