The Thin Ice

by Sarah McGee



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/12/2014

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 158
ISBN : 9781493194681
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 158
ISBN : 9781493194698

About the Book

Susan Lenahan. An ordinary woman whose dreams have been all but crushed by the daily grind of a boring job. Alone, unloved, and past caring until the night she encounters a man called Vulgrun, who leaves her scared and scarred. Over the next fourteen days, her life is turned upside-down and torn apart. Driven by revenge, and unaware of the lengths she will go to to get it, she finds like-minded people, unaware that they are little better than the man who harmed her. She finds love, but what are loved ones in a world that’s riddled with unseen danger? She also finds that she too has a dark secret, one she doesn’t understand, and that nearly costs her life at the hands of her new friends. She finds help from an unlikely source, but at what price? And when it all goes to Hell, will she manage to emerge unscathed?

About the Author

Sarah McGee is from Derbyshire, and used to work as a computer programmer. She now lives in London with her fiancé, and enjoys spending time on their allotment when not writing. Her other interests include rpgs and science fiction.