Monona Days

by Liz Kilger



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/13/2015

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 134
ISBN : 9781503548442
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 134
ISBN : 9781503548435
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 134
ISBN : 9781503548459

About the Book

Vanessa Anne Nessbrook slipped out of her own home to meet her new boyfriend Scott Allen Bixby. He was busting with the news he had just done. He had just signed up for a tour of duty and joined the Marines! He would be leaving for basic training in just a few weeks! Would she wait for him to return? It appeared to be an important question for him, so she answered with thought. Of course she would wait! Where would she go? I have to finish my high school classes; mom & dad wouldn’t just let me drop out! We can write every day, just as soon as I get your mailing address. If you write to me, you can be assured I will answer each and every one of your letters. Vanessa was looking at a June graduation date from High School anyway. After she finished school, she would have to decide on a career! What would be her life's vocation? The choices were epic: college, (her parents first choice), junior college (her parents second choice), technical school or college, or trade school? She had to make choices and decisions she could live with now and for many years to come. Finally settling on something she had always loved, she took a look at The Madison School of Beauty, there were so many aspects to look at. She was excited to take a look! She was sure she would find something that took her interest. Cuts, perms, dyes, nails, manicures and pedicures, trims and shaping. It was kind of exciting! Scott would be returning on completion of his Basic Training initiation. She knew Scott meant to report for active duty right away but did not know just how she felt about that one! It would be a quick turnaround for him just before Christmas this year. She would just be finishing up at the Madison School of Beauty.

About the Author

I was born in Wausau, Wisconsin in 1952. Went to Catholic elementary school through eighth grade, and then went on Public School Junior High School and then on to Wausau Senior High School. Graduating high school in 1970 I went on to an airline school to become a ticket agent. My only real problem was taking the airplane to Minneapolis to get to the school. I hate flying! Very nearly completed the course before leaving the school because of my fear of flying. I worked at a Walgreen’s Drug Store part time. Leaving the Walgreen’s store one afternoon, I walked by an automotive jobber. They were looking for an Inventory controller. I filled out an application form and started at Peterson – Paul Sales and Service, in Minneapolis, MN starting a week later. I worked there for a couple of years, until my father died in March, 1972. But while working at Peterson-Paul Automotive jobber as a perpetual inventory clerk, I got very interested in the accounting profession and signed up for classes with the International Accountants Society in Minneapolis. I nearly finished all my coursework for school before I returned home after my father’s death. That pain I know only too well. So I write about it. I was completely devastated by his death only a week after my 20th birthday. I just had to keep moving forward, eyes straight ahead. I found another accounting position with H. Phillips Co. I did a lot of inventory work in this position also a lot of sales figures by the week, the month, and finally for the year. So initially, I started out in accounting in inventory and sales. In 1989, I finally received my A.A.S. degree in accounting from Northcentral Technical College in Wausau, WI. My start in Accounting. I found it fascinating. Finishing my A.A.S. in May, 1995, I learned I could go on and get my Baccalaureate in Accounting so I applied to Silver Lake College in Manitowoc, WI to finish my degree. Shortly before I finished my program, I learned instead of an accounting degree, I would be getting my degree in Business Management. There were not enough people signed up for the accounting program, so it didn’t happen. OK, fine. I just needed to find a school that would combine accounting and business management. I found LaSalle University in Mandeville, LA. They most certainly combined accounting and business management in their MBA program. I received my MBA in Accounting and Finance on May 22, 1997. Just five months later on October 12, 13, and 14, 1997 I lost my sight! I was terrified; I did not know what was happening to me. My neurologist told me most of these episodes resolved themselves in time, though I probably would not regain everything that was lost. No I did not regain my sight completely; I still could easily differentiate my 3’s, 5’s, & 8’s. Accounting went out the window. Here I just got mad and decided to find out just what MS was. In the process of finding out what my affliction was I earned a PhD. In Psychology with a minor in Philosophy Multiple Sclerosis was and is a demon I must battle every day.