Revealed Secrets

by Jennifer Johnson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/22/2015

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 338
ISBN : 9781503563186
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 338
ISBN : 9781503563179
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 338
ISBN : 9781503563193

About the Book

At an early age Anna Dunkin realized that her mother did not love her, but blamed the girl for her own unhappiness. Always protective of her younger sister Rachael, Anna was thankful for her father and other family members who had surrounded her with a positive atmosphere of comfort and love, but too much damage had been done. As fear and insecurity reared its ugly head Anna found herself exposed to a private secret, never realizing the number of secrets her family harbored.

About the Author

A lifelong resident of Long Island, New York, Jennifer Johnson (a widow) is a writer of Christian Fiction. The mother of four adult children and grandmother of seven, she is a Bible teacher, having attended the Faith Bible Institute. A faithful church attendee, an avid reader and gardener, she earned certifi cates of completion from Stony Brook University’s School of Social Welfare, Cork Institute on alcohol and other addictive disorders at the Morehouse School of Medicine, the Bureau of Training and Education, and the Suffolk County Department of Health Services. She has also authored other Christian Fiction Books such as Sitting Down with Granddaddy, The Brown Shopping Bags, Beyond the Mirror, Unknown Children and Crossed Boundaries.