Winter Kill

by Sam Fluharty



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/12/2016

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 302
ISBN : 9781514473108
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 302
ISBN : 9781514473092
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 302
ISBN : 9781514473115

About the Book

Angel Vierra always thought that Detroit was the Murder Capitol. He solved scores of them there. Now, as an investigator for the Michigan State Police, he has discovered that the rural and resort areas of the state produce a heap of horrific homicides. A vicious vengeance double draws him to the scenic Thumb, where he meets a young deputy, Hannah Bellemer, who could be a supermodel. They team up to solve the case, but it leaves a bad taste in Angel's mouth. He is called back to investigate a string of eight perfect murders that occur once every winter. Hannah finds the serial killer, but that's only the beginning. Angel Vierra is Lucas Davenport, Harry Bosch, Billy Graves, and of course, Sam Fluharty. Don't doubt him!

About the Author

The author flew a gunship in Vietnam and won the Distinguished Flying Cross for Valor and the Purple Heart. He earned a juris doctor, and life got boring. Critical Praise for Fluharty's first novel, Rite of Revenge: "Fluharty, a former Vietnam pilot, puts his flight experience to good use in this novel, and also showcases an authority on police technique and procedure. The story is briskly paced, and the narrative remains central without disappearing behind extraneous information. An uneven romantic thriller that will appear to genre fans. " —Kirkus Reviews of New York