Intentional Women Inspiring Others

Stories, Poems, Art, Quotes, Leadership

by Lillé McGhee Queen



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/28/2016

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 216
ISBN : 9781524545482
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 216
ISBN : 9781524545505
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 216
ISBN : 9781524545499

About the Book

Intentional Women Inspiring Others will be one of the most interesting books that you read during your lifetime. The author takes you on a personal life journey from the East Coast to the West Coast and then back to North Carolina, her place of birth. Along the way, she expresses her unique life experiences through thought-provoking poems, quotes, essays, and art. As a professional artist/painter, Lille’s vibrant abstract paintings promote energy, excitement, and conversation. Many of the selected poems were influenced by her abstract paintings, which can be viewed at The contributing authors write compelling stories about their respective lives. One writer comes to the United States as a young child and finds his passion and voice as an artist and singer. Another writer develops an appreciation for teas as a result of being in the company of her mother and grandmother during childhood days in the South. And one writer expresses initial mixed emotions she felt in leaving home for the first time to begin a successful career in the United States Navy. Intentional Women Inspiring Others is designed to —build self-confidence in a new area of life; —challenge the reader’s current way of thinking; —stretch the imagination to a new level; —encourage readers to trust their instincts and take moderate risks; —tap into the reader’s inner voice; —make acts of kindness a daily habit; —develop a greater appreciation for the arts and literary works; and —engage in conversations with confidence. The purpose of Intentional Women Inspiring Others is to allow each reader to think about his or her own personal life story. Everybody has a short story; the author contends that no story should go untold because everyone grows when sharing different life experiences.

About the Author

Lillé McGhee Queen is a farmer’s daughter from North Carolina. Growing up, work was a constant, whether it was harvesting crops, feeding animals, playing the piano in various churches from ages eleven to seventeen, or driving a school bus at sixteen and seventeen (times were very different then!). These experiences motivated Lillé to seek out a career in the federal government, to earn a degree in court reporting, and to become a federal investigator/special agent. Lillé remained an investigator for twenty-plus years, earning senior special agent status. Along the way she earned a BS degree from the University of San Francisco and would go on to graduate studies in organizational behavior. Lillé is now retired from law enforcement but still very active. She is co-owner of McGhee Queen Associates, a strategic marketing and consulting business in San Jose, California. The structured, business-oriented, left-brain side of her is still alive and flourishing. But the creativity culture of Silicon Valley impacted her in an unusual way—Lillé rediscovered the right side of her brain. She found her authentic voice and set free her creative, artistic, and literary talents as a writer, poet, and painter. The culture and environment welcomed creativity, individual thinking, and leadership skills. Today, Lillé is a business woman, skilled networker, sought-after public speaker, seminar organizer, and storyteller. Her recent books include Every Woman Has a Short Story, Men Too; T.E.A on the Patio; and The Joys of Wisdom, Wealth, and Girlfriends. An accomplished painter of abstract art, Lillé’s work has been exhibited in a number of galleries across Northern California. She is also the founder and CEO of the Girlfriends World Class Networking Club, which empowers women to find their own voice and brand in life and business.