Ready, Set, Go!

The Green Print

by Davielle Jackson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/26/2018

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781984518132
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781984518620
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781984518149

About the Book

One year after opening her first company, Davielle Jackson, at the young age of twenty-six, was partnered with Walmart, a retail giant, which is deemed impossible. It was at that point that she decided she wanted full control over her own life, her own destiny, and wanted to make her own money. With that noted, she dropped out of medical school, resigned from her job, and followed her passions and dreams. In 2016 she was awarded Entrepreneur of the Year and graced the cover of the Atlanta Business Journal, leaving her mark in history as being one of the youngest to achieve both. Being approached by an overwhelming amount of people asking how she accomplished these things at such a young age and in such a short amount of time prompted Davielle to write Ready, Set, Go! Always being in negotiations for new business ventures and the formation of new companies didn’t leave time to address everyone’s questions, so she decided to instead give them “the green print.” Ready, Set, Go! is the green print to her success. This is Jackson’s way of paying it forward and inspiring others to live their dreams and live for themselves while also being financially free.

About the Author

With more than ten years of sales, marketing, management and business experience, although still very young, Davielle Jackson has been a strong leader and front runner in Business sector. As founder and President of Femi Secrets, she has broken records by entering into Wal-Mart at a record time frame of 6 months, something a Wal-Mart executive and representatives have deemed “impossible.” Jackson is dedicated and hardworking; as a mini mogul, Jackson has several business ventures and acquisitions listed under her long list of achievements. She is forward thinker and has major plans for the future. Jackson is also the owner of non profit organization I am #1 that is dedicated to the success of young women. Jackson is dedicated to breaking records and exceeding expectations. She is the owner of Patents and Trade marks all before age 30. She plans to move forward in the tech and software industry in future career. Long term goals include opening a university and sole dedication to her Non profit. Jackson is also the current winner of one of the largest business competitions in the world.