Free Tomorrow

by Goose Punk



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/23/2018

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 56
ISBN : 9781984549174
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 56
ISBN : 9781984549167

About the Book

Free Tomorrow is about scientific observation. Since my family wasn’t Christian, my dad bought me dinosaur books to learn to read on, not the Bible. This means I know something about scientific observation. I’ve observed changes in the atmosphere, and I have noticed some connection with the developments the human race is making in the city. I put it together in a book for you. I hope you like it!

About the Author

Goose Punk is really into punk rock music, & he likes to think the way punk rockers always do. He likes to pick apart things like the news & point them out as they really are. In this book, THE INCREDIBLE GIFT OF SCHIZOPHRENIA SIGHED THE HOST you will be amazed at how dumb the news really is, & you will be entertained by the way Goose Punk thinks about these things that are happening right now. Goose Punk wishes you the best in your quest for reading enjoyment. Goose Punk grew up in Mount Vernon, WA. He is watching it fall to pieces under thick white sky's. He can't help but witness all the things people do of which they consider to be normal, but are destroying the precious environment of which we live. You to will be amazed by the destruction of construction, it get's hotter where they build. In this book, FREE TOMORROW you may change your mind about the way you live your life, & start doing things a little different. Not as different as you think though.