Heart Rendering Messages

Vociferation Poetry

by Thelma Cunningham



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/28/2019

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 154
ISBN : 9781796065060
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 154
ISBN : 9781796065053

About the Book

This is another poetry piece for the young and the old, poetry lovers and friends. There are 150 brand new poetic selections. God bless you and thank you for support.

About the Author

Thelma Cunningham was educated in the Baltimore City Public Schools where she graduated from Mary E. Rodmand Elementary and Gwynn Falls Park Junior High School. She graduated from Edmondson Senior High School in the year of 1977 and went to the Community College of Baltimore later in life and graduated from there in 1992 with an A.A. Degree. She received various scholarships from Community College of Baltimore. She completed her B.S. Degree in Psychology and Early Childhood Education in 1998 at Coppin State University in Baltimore, Maryland. She belonged to various Honor Societies while attending Coppin State. She is currently married to John Cunningham who is also a graduate of Coppin State. Going on 21 years of marriage since graduation.

Thelma Cunningham is currently a member of the Maryland Writer's Association, Stanford Who's Who 2010-2012. The author has written 6 poetry books. 1st book "Wow Now That's Poetry, Read Me More," 81 poems. 2nd "Say It With Poetry" Trumpet Poetry 114 new poems. 3rd Book "Majestic Poetry "Eloquent Poetry" 136 brand new poems. 4th published "Reflective Poetic Styles of Poetry, 146 brand new poems. This book reflects the various styles of poetry like Prose, Metaphor, Simile, etc. Newest Book, 2019, The Fifth, "Poetically Speaking" "Artistically" with 400 entries. "Heart Rendering Messages" "Vociferation Poetry" 150 brand new poems. Fairy Tale-"Lisa's Unforgettable Stories.-First Mommy Series-7 Stories in all with 12 short stories to follow. One book written in memory of mom entitled "Momma's Memoirs.