Breaking Through Your Own Glass Ceiling

Embracing a Full-hearted Life

by Linda González MSW MFA



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/21/2020

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 154
ISBN : 9781984584366
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 154
ISBN : 9781984584359
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 154
ISBN : 9781984584373

About the Book

Breaking Through Your Own Glass Ceiling offers simple, proven prosperity practices to address power dynamics faced by BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) and other underrepresented communities. You can begin today to identify and uproot unhealthy patterns and replace them with consistent thoughts and behaviors to embrace a full-hearted life—even in environments that do not support your well-being. Many people attempt to navigate glass ceilings by reading self-help and motivational books that send the message that vision boards, meditation apps, and affirmations will compensate for exclusionary policies and laws. This book rejects the “one size fits all” approach to career development and self-care that leads people to internalize their own glass ceiling. If you are ready to have a full-hearted breakthrough, this book can be your daily guide and inspiration.

About the Author

Linda González has a thriving practice as a life coach, assisting clients to discover and reach their precious goals while taking into account the impact of systemic oppression still present in society.
Linda is also a storyteller, published author, and solo performer. Her book The Cost of Our Lives is an award-winning memoir.

She has coached, consulted with and trained thousands of people to explore and dismantle personal and professional inequities and contribute to a just society. You can discover more about her equity-based coaching and writing at