Chapin’s World

Treasures of the Past

by J. G. Chapin



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/27/2023

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 284
ISBN : 9798369401651
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 284
ISBN : 9798369401675
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 284
ISBN : 9798369401668

About the Book

In itself, Chapin’s World has stood alone as a vast storehouse of worthless, yard-sale memories and nearly forgotten calamities. Most of which could have been avoided with a simple plan, or root intelligence. Even though the author’s wife, Sunshine, has rounded out most of his rough edges, she admits that no job was too small for Chapin to not make big mistakes. Chapin displays a collection of inept, unwanted constructions, and suffers through unpleasant circumstances with humorous shenanigans. Feel free to jeer at Papa’s inability to decorate for Christmas with the Grandlings, or escape jury duty. Take an unscheduled ride to a home away from home, investigate a blown fuse, and relive a feeble attempt to dismantle an old-fashioned TV antenna. Treasures of the Past will drag you through the scream door, and allow you to be overrun by buffalos and rude dogs. You won’t know whether to bow before the author, or call the caretakers, because no one appears to be safe from the devious disclosures of JC. Treasures of the Past would be considered outrageous, and totally fabricated exaggerations, if the author’s personality was not so well documented. Beware; the most ‘self-loved’ author has unleashed some newly penned mischief. Go ahead -- turn these pages for a memorable dose of humor in Chapin’s World: Treasures of the Past.

About the Author