Segments and Challenges

by Jahed Rahman



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/30/2024

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 300
ISBN : 9798369431788
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 300
ISBN : 9798369431795
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 300
ISBN : 9798369431771

About the Book

The theme that premised the essence of the book is that in life’s journey, there are plethora of fragmentations mostly causing frustration and dismay, but some of those create also opportunities for a new start, wiping out initial distresses. That typically depends on alertness and commitment of the incumbent to respond and silhouette the new opportunities. The book is thus titled as Segments and Challenges. It epitomizes the entire life of Javed, the principal character of the story, making progression in life in the midst of frequent fragmented turn of his journey but still making significant strides in life even though burdened by social and traditional impositions. Diametrically opposite to Javed’s sober and steady approach to life was his high school headmaster, Mr. Hamid Ullah, a brilliant student of his time of the Bangladesh prime university who however lacked balance between emotions and reality. In that journey process and at that phase of life, he, notwithstanding brilliance and capacity otherwise, finally ended up by choice as a teacher of a community high school in a remote area. He was successful in making that school a prominent one, but that was nothing compared to his intellect and ability. Contrarily, a half-educated but wise and pragmatic rural lady, Tahera Khala, made a major mark in shaping Javed’s progression, whereas a smart and outgoing very rich metropolitan housewife, Lady Khadija, lost everything due to a mismatch between pursuing social fame and standing with the concept open family and liberal attitude. Javed’s real exposure to affluence and high-stake living was when, being requested by one of his academic well-wishers, started tutoring the only daughter of Lady Khadija. Here he fell victim to sudden indulgence of life without plan or premonition, the probable outcome of which haunted him all through life. Being unbound by the victim of the first but unintended incident, he pursued his life’s journey with the only daughter he had in a regular married life. The intriguing climax of that saga culminating the end starts there.

About the Author

Born and brought up in Noakhali civil district, Jahed Rahman spent most of his growing up times and part of adult life in pursuing education and early civil service career in Pakistan and native Bangladesh. Subsequently, he changed his career and became a staff of an international development financing institution , the Asian Development Bank. Based in Manila, he worked extensively in handling development issues and challenges in many Asian countries, including a field posting in Pakistan. After retirement from ADB, he joined the World Bank’s country office in Pakistan heading a special unit handling social sector issues. Upon retirement, and in addition, he had a few long and short-term consultancy assignments in Bangladesh and Afghanistan. After settling in Vancouver for seven years, he moved to Chicago for a permanent living at the behest of family for staying in one country jurisdiction.