A Prescription for Turning Tragedy into Triumph

by Dr. Irance E. Reddix M.D. M Div MTheo



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/2/2024

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 86
ISBN : 9798369432945
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 86
ISBN : 9798369432952
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 86
ISBN : 9798369433133

About the Book

From the Heart of the Doctor The wonderful thing about life is that it is renewed daily. Plants grow; animals are born, mature, mate, and produce another generation; even bacteria and viruses reproduce to propagate their kind. We humans, however, are the only creatures God has made who have some control over our destiny. We have that wonderful thing called choice. We can and do choose which direction our life can and will take. The even more remarkable thing about our lives is that once we give our lives to the one who created them in the first place, we are assured that our lives can be lived to the fullest and every bit of our potential is realized. We will not go to our graves with unmet promises. I, as have most of you, have spent many years yearning to become more mature, yearning to be better at what I do, just yearning. Sometimes, my endeavors met with success. Other times, they only met with something else that had to be done. It was not in a flash of revelation or a divine inspiration that led me to the conclusion that drives my life now. An everyday, step-by-step process led me to this conclusion: life is a journey that can only be lived one experience at a time. If I do not experience each one and learn the lessons each experience has to offer, then I will repeat it until I either get it right or die trying to get something that has been right at my fingertips the entire time. Once faced with this reality, my loving Creator steps in with this reassurance: “Throughout your entire journey, I will never leave you, I will never let you fall, I will always be here to instruct you. All you need to do is ask.” This confidence floods my inner sense of inadequacy and now allows me to do all that God has purposed in God’s heart for me to do.

About the Author

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Howard University College of Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, Reddix Family Health, produced weekly medical and inspirational shows. Master’s in Theology and Divinity. CEO of the Adullum Community Healthcare Center. an ordained elder and family physician for 35 years. member of 2024-2025 Marquis’s Who’s Who.