
Petals of my life

by Camilla Williams



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/14/2025

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 196
ISBN : 9798369498668
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 196
ISBN : 9798369498644
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 196
ISBN : 9798369498651

About the Book

The year is 1965. After a seven month wait from the birth of their son, Camilla embarks on a journey to Malaysia to reunite with “the man of her dreams.” This journey turns out to be a rocky road, with unexpected twists and turns. A journey of new experiences. Interesting and painful. These experiences have been excavated from dairies, multiple letters, notes, and research. Many letters were only discovered after the deaths of her mother and sister. Her story gives an insight into expatriate life, social change, then and now, of historical events in a tumultuous personal and international world. It is also a journey about “Coercive Control “and its consequences. A real-life cautionary tale for individuals, [frequently women], who wish to pursue “a different life,” “a life of adventure,” and “a life less ordinary “on an international scale.

About the Author

It was during the covid lockdown that Camilla wondered how to spend this enforced isolation period productively. At the time she was renting a house, waiting for her retirement villa to be built. Her garage contained seventy boxes of belongings, accumulated over a lifetime. A couple of these boxes contained lots of photographs, personal artworks and diaries, notes, and letters. Some of these letters she only became aware of after the deaths of her mother and sister. Most of these letters had been written by herself over half a century ago. Another time, another place, another life. She was surprised her mother and sister had even kept these letters. Most people tend to throw them away, after a period of time. Reading these letters and excavating the diary and notes she had written herself during her time in Malaysia, she decided this was a project upon which she should spend her time and energy. It has taken three years to put all this together. Now, at the age of 86 she feels the need to share her journey with her son, her grandchildren and great grandchildren and anybody else who may be interested. There are many social issues addressed which were relevant in the 1960’s and continue to be relevant in 2024.