Drey’s Ichigo Ichie Journey & Journal

by Andrea Bowen



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/22/2025

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 186
ISBN : 9798369438152
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 186
ISBN : 9798369438145
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 186
ISBN : 9798369438169

About the Book

Drey’s Ichigo Ichie Journey and Journal This book is four years in the making. It chronicles entries highlighting the author’s journey in life, particularly marriage and finding ways to maintain a positive outlook. The author is candid about the need to develop coping strategies, help-seeking and the power of your environment in aiding with building stress management capabilities and learning how to develop a mindset of conflict resolution, peer mediation & spiritual awaking. Writing this book was a means to self-discovery. The book is written over the course of several geographical locations to include Big Spring, Texas and overseas in the country of Japan. Both locations offered the author solitude and peace, during a time of chaos and uncertainty. The book addresses conflict on many levels: organizational, personal and internal. The joys of meeting many helping professionals, creative thinkers and tapping into the power of inner strength and resilience has been remarkable. Knowing that life is a journey and making the best of all things has been fuel for my writing.

About the Author

Andrea “Drey” Bowen received training at Yale University Child Study Center, Florida State University and Trenton State College. Drey works in the helping profession as a Certified Family Life Educator and Licensed Clinical Social Worker. She is the Founder of a faith-based business, “Moving onto Higher Ground, Inc.” that seeks to provide a catalyst for positive change for individuals, families and community organizations. Drey seeks to inspire through dance, creative movement and now through writing. Drey enjoys cooking, traveling and reading. She can often be found walking and performing her best roles ever-sister, auntie, mentor and friend. Drey’s calling in life is as a counselor, social worker and therapist to those who struggle to make sense of life. Drey teaches critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Hoping that you find peaceful solutions and joy for your journey. Thank you and be well.