Audiobook Format

Turn your book into a handy, easily accessible audiobook that readers can listen to.

Do-It-Yourself Audiobook

Your words, your voice, your audiobook. gives you the tools to bring your book to life in your own voice. Our intuitive platform lets you record, perfect, and publish your audiobook. Take charge of your narrative – we will handle the rest!

Audiobook Platinum Plus - American Voice Talent

With your Audiobook Package, you’ll get a professionally-narrated (American Voice Talent) audio version of your book, plus the means to promote to this new and exciting market.

Audiobook Platinum Plus - British Voice Talent

With your Audiobook Package, you’ll get a professionally-narrated (British Voice Talent) audio version of your book, plus the means to promote to this new and exciting market.

Audiobook Platinum Plus - Australian Voice Talent

With your Audiobook Package, you’ll get a professionally-narrated (Australian Voice Talent) audio version of your book, plus the means to promote to this new and exciting market.