Walking, A Moving Experience
Book Details
About the Book
To those who already saunter, to those thinking of walking, to those who walk aerobically, to those who vigorously swing their arms or carry weights, to those who clamp on a headset to study or otherwise be entertained en route, to those who walk from here to there and back, to those who very deliberately walk only for their health, this book is dedicated to opening up new and rewarding experiences en route.
About the Author
Herb Hobler, a WWII B-29 South Pacific navigator, had a career with NBC-TV, CBS-TV and founded his own radio and cable company. A Princeton, New Jersey native energetically involved in community activities and sports, he stopped jogging at age 60 when a friend introduced him to the "wonders and joys" of walking before breakfast. Invigorated physically, mentally and spiritually by casual explorations and encounters during over 600 caonsecutive pre-breakfast walks under every circumstance, he has written "Walking, a Moving Experience" in hopes it will inspire others.