Mutants and AI: Shaping the Future of Global Evolution

by Benjamin Katz



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/01/2025

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 288
ISBN : 9798369436424
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 288
ISBN : 9798369436417
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 288
ISBN : 9798369436400

About the Book

A vision for the Ark The Earth now groans beneath our strain Her skies are choked, her seas in pain A warming world, by three degrees Could bring us crumbling to our knees. The soil will burn, the water rise With mass death under ashen skies A fractured world, torn apart by strife Disintegration of societies, and life. But why this path of grim decay? What leads us to this darkened way? We cannot seem to unite, or stand To heal this wounded, weary land. Short -sighted greed, self- interest reign, Deception blinds, we chase in vain Megalomania clouds our view Ignoring truths we always knew Yet still, within a spark remains To break these self-destructive chains To rise above, to dare, to strive To keep a part of us alive. What must we do? What seeds to sow To help a wiser future grow? We save the willing, guide their Ark Through chaos deep and waters dark. Upgrade the heart, body and soul Evolve beyond this broken whole A Noah`s Ark for those who dare, To dream, to heal, to deeply care. This vision burns, a beacon bright, A chance to steer from endless night. If we can rise, begin a new, This Ark may guide the chosen through.

About the Author