Adultery: Short Thrills, Long Bills

by Jim Miotke



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 10/18/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 224
ISBN : 9781599264288

About the Book

Kelli, a greedy sexual predator, comes to town, first meeting Josh, a marathoner, who runs from a commitment to Susan, but does give her shooting lessons. Lucas pretends to be a paraplegic, but at night is a demon on a Harley. He robs and rapes convenience store clerks. Chet Grant is a womanizing gambler who uses Luke’s talents. Josh befriends Tag, a bar owner, who just may be wilder than all of them. Luke targets both, but Kelli intends to drain them all dry. Blackmailed Chet aims Luke at Kelli. Has he just ordered the murder of his only son?

About the Author

Jim retired from the U.S. Coast Guard as a Lieutenant Commander. He served from the North Pole to the Panama Canal, spending nine years abroad and six years at sea. He is: trilingual (Greek and German); a Master Rifle and Pistol shot; a celestial navigator; a below average golfer; and a fitness buff. Since retiring: he has worked as a college professor; in television broadcast sales and management; cruise ship lecturer; and frequently travels nation-wide giving sales training/motivational speeches. He’s happily married to Sophia, his “Gorgeous Greek” for over fifty years. Blessed with a son and daughter, while working hard at being a grand-dad to eleven year old Natalie. Jim counts every day a treasure. Every smile, and every kiss as a piece of gold. He hopes that his books give you a chance to go on an enjoyable trip.