Love's Obsession

by William Mitchell Ross



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/16/2013

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 217
ISBN : 9781493151448
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 217
ISBN : 9781493151455
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 217
ISBN : 9781493151462

About the Book

The Cheese Days festival in Monroe, Wisconsin is the much celebrated weekend event lifting up a proud Swiss heritage tradition complete with authentic Swiss costumes, Polka music, cheese making demonstrations, and beer. A year’s worth of work has already been completed by the Cheese Days committee to make it successful. Visitors from far and wide, including Switzerland, will attend the three day celebration for a weekend of fun and relaxation.

The Cheese Days Committee was horrified when a murder occurred on the square just twelve days before the concluding magnificent and noisy parade on Sunday. How will a crime of this magnitude affect the festival and will it keep the out-of-town visitors away?! Police Chief Brandon Johns and Detective Samantha Gates immediately launch an investigation to apprehend the killer before the festival begins. With the Cheese Days committee and Police and Fire Commissioner Roger Nussbaum demanding a quick resolution to the murder, the police are at a loss when they can’t determine a motive for the murder or a suspect through their investigation. What are they to do? The pressure is continually turned up on them every passing day without an arrest. They desperately need a break in the case. They need someone to come forward to give them the one clue they need to solve the murder.

About the Author

Bill Ross lives in Monroe, Wisconsin with his wife Marilyn. He works in the dairy industry as a whey plant manager for Saputo Cheese, Inc., Montreal, Canada. He has served the City of Monroe as mayor for 15 years.