Buddy and His Buddies
Book Details
About the Book
From one parent to another. This story is about perception, predisposition and malice, even though it sounds like big words for the little ones in the house, the sooner they learn those important words, the better they will do in this controversial times. I would like to explain why, imagine for a moment that a judge dictate his sentences base on his own perception and predisposition, or worse jet, base in someone with malice in there hearts, unfortunately we have that kind of people on all most, all the levels in our society and in many cases so close to the one we love the most, our children’s. So, the sooner they learn how identify this attitude in the ones around them, better for that child. The sooner we teach them the importance to take decisions, base only on the facts in the situations and give them the correct tools to solve the problems, the better they will do in life, in the end that is what we as parents want. Sincerely, Carmen R.Yasko