Sometimes you get So low on gas The tank gets empty
Book Details
About the Book
Hey Al Great stuff. I laugh, I cry, I am amazed and confused. You have a voice that is unique. Keep on keeping on and entertaining us. Rodger McBride
About the Author
Al Ferber got birthed involuntarily. Went to school involuntarily. Worked jobs involuntary. Followed rules & laws involuntary. Had wet dreams involuntary. Breaths involuntary. Writes & paints in order to keep from going bat shit crazy with unearthly passion. Loves with passion. Spent 30 years in prolonged failed suicide attempt with alcohol. Danced with bi-polar disorder involuntary all his life. Had 50 volumes of poems & 2 novels published. Lives with Cathi his more than tolerant wife of more than 36 years and Opal a greyhound who understands. American talk and can tell time to the minute.