30 Days of Entrepreneurs’ Series

by Laban T. M’mbololo, Esq.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/24/2019

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 122
ISBN : 9781796051926
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 122
ISBN : 9781796051919

About the Book

You will struggle to find an exceptional discovery that wasn’t preceded by a tirade of tribulations. In this series, we take a deep dive into some of the World’s Most Prosperous Business Moguls and an index of errors and miscalculations they made on their journey to bringing forth the now life-changing products and services that we derive pleasure from and that have completely revolutionized our world. The sheer notion of failure scares many individuals in the business world. If it happened, will you concede defeat on the project and give up on the idea completely, or will you go back to the drawing board, modify and perfect it? 30 Days of Entrepreneurs’ Series will prove to be the first and most rewarding breakthrough manual that offers great insights for businesspeople hoping to make it to fame and glory in the 21st century.

About the Author

Laban T. M’mbololo, Esq. comes with a strong academic background with accreditations from the London School of Business and Finance (LSBF), London Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI), ASET, British Computer Society (BCS), Oxford and Cambridge RSA (OCR) – London, U.K. and stinted World-Class Leadership. International Financial Management, Banking, Forex Trading, Offshore Financing, Offshore Real Estate and Cross-Border Sourcing –All these frontiers created his desire to explore and transcend beyond Kenyan borders on a learning expedition in the U.S, U.K, U.A.E and China to transform his vision in tandem with international standards and best practices. He has also participated in “Unleash the Power Within” a very powerful and life changing seminar by Tony Robbins and attended peak performance coaching by Jean-Pierre De Villiers a London based international speaker and best-selling author. M’mbololo has over 20 years’ stint in Word-Class Management,10 years International project experience, solid Blue-Chip corporate experience with a British multinational financial services company and a Pan-African banking conglomerate and is an expert in Islamic Sharia-Compliant financing. Based on the latest research in cognitive elements of perception, self-reflection and self-empowerment; M’mbololo shows you how to identify other areas other than passion that will make you thrive to prosperity in the business world. The power of the mastermind that is revealed in this book will amaze you and has a tremendous impact on your life as you will benefit from teachings, experiences, influences, power and authority as well as the perspectives of others through an in-depth examination of the sequence of events that trigger success. This will help you accomplish more, and faster, than anyone could by themselves. M’mbololo also speaks on INFLUENCE Sales, World Class Leadership, Personal Power, Success Principles and Human Capital topics to audiences in the private and public sectors. He is also the author of Influence: The Secret of Selling & As A Man Saveth (Heal Your World) and other bestselling book titles.